Amber Heard

Amber Heard deleted her SNS Twitter account…

Amber Heard deleted her SNS Twitter account…

Amber Heard

Actor Amber Heard’s SNS account suddenly disappeared. It is said that Elon Musk, her ex-boyfriend and rich man who owns hundreds of billions of dollars, may have taken action.

Amber Heard official Twitter account has been confirmed to not exist on the 3rd (local time), drawing attention.

According to local media reports, Amber Heard’s Twitter account has disappeared since Elon Musk became Twitter’s CEO since last month.

In fact, when you search Amber Heard’s account, you will see a comment that the account does not exist. On the other hand, her Instagram is still running, and she has posted until June 2.

The two first met in May 2016 and broke up in August 2017. Suspicions of an affair were also raised at the time. However, the two decided to remain friends through Instagram even after they broke up.

Later in May 2018, Elon Musk made it official that he was dating singer Grimes. The two had their first son in May 2020 and their second daughter in December 2021, but divorced last year.

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