
After number seven, Ronaldo accepted a reduction of 184 million

After number seven, Ronaldo accepted a reduction of 184 million won per week.


Cristiano Ronaldo, who returned to Manchester United for the first time in 12 years, is showing his pride and practicality for the team.

The British media “Sky Sports” quoted a report on the Sunday edition of “Mail” on the 29th (Korea time) that Ronaldo agreed to cut the weekly wage. The move is aimed at finalizing the transfer process before the transfer market, which will end on the 31st.

Ronaldo received 500,000 pounds a week from Juventus. He was ranked the second-highest weekly wage after Lionel Messi (Paris Saint-Germain).

Ronaldo’s high weekly salary was a concern for Juventus, his former team. Due to the coronavirus situation, the financial burden was high, and Ronaldo failed to win the UEFA Champions League.

He returned to Manchester United, where the finances were stable, but his high weekly pay was still a burden on Manchester United. In addition to Ronaldo, United have invested many challenges in recruiting Jayden Sancho and Rafael Barra.

Ronaldo agreed to 385,000 pounds (about 617 million won), a reduction of 115,000 pounds (about 184 million won) from 500,000 pounds to ease United’s burden 토토사이트

Instead of insisting on his symbol and United ace number seven, Edinson Cavani kept it sweet. Having cut his weekly pay, he is on a journey to win United.

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