
Coach Thibogo, who specializes in overwork in the NBA

Coach Thibogo, who specializes in overwork in the NBA, has been ranked 1st or 2nd this year.


Tom Tivo (63), manager of the New York Knicks of the National Basketball Association (NBA), is notorious for his overuse of players.

While coaching the Chicago Bulls from 2010 to 2015, and the Minnesota Timberwolves from 2016 to 2019, he has always been criticized for being highly dependent on the main players and having a narrow range of bench members 토토꽁머니

During Chicago, there was controversy over manager Tivo’s “harsh” injury to Derek Rose’s knee, and Andrew Wiggins and Carl Anthony Towns were the top and second players in the entire league in the 2016-2017 season when Tivo led Minnesota.

At that time, only two players, Minnesota’s Wiggins and Towns, had more than 3,000 minutes to play.

“Tibodo, who was dismissed from Minnesota during the January 2019 season, was appointed as the head coach of New York in July last year.”

Coach Thibodo, who has been under constant controversy over player abuse, continues to take charge of the team in the NBA because of his immediate performance.

Chicago, which had never reached the Eastern Conference Finals since the 1997-1998 season when “Basketball Emperor” Michael Jordan left the team, re-entered the Eastern Conference Finals in 13 years in the 2010-2011 season, the first year that Tibodo took the helm.

Thibodo received the NBA Manager of the Year Award that year.

“Tibodo, who put the team in the playoffs for the fifth consecutive year when he was the head coach of Chicago, has been in charge of Minnesota since the 2016-2017 season.”

Minnesota also had never been able to play in the playoffs since the 2003-2004 season when Kevin Garnett was playing.

Coach Thibodo continued to pitch with Wiggins and Towns in first and second place in playing time, and recruited Chicago players Jimmy Butler, Taj Gibson and Rose to advance Minnesota to the playoffs for the first time in 14 years in the 2017-2018 season.

This time, New York sent a “SOS” to the coach.

New York failed to advance to the playoffs for the seventh consecutive season from the 2013-2014 season to the last season. During this period, the lowest level of the Eastern Conference was also recorded twice, and it has been hovering around the bottom.

Even though he was in charge of New York, Tivo also finished first and second in his playing time this season. Julius Randall came in first with 557 minutes and R.J. Barrett came in second with 556 minutes.

In Chicago and Minnesota, Gibson, who had been used as a base resource, was also invited to New York.

Coach Thibodo’s strategy of “changing the main players” is successful this time as well. As of the 19th, New York has recorded seven wins and eight losses, ranking sixth in the Eastern Conference, inflating hopes of advancing to the playoffs for the first time in eight years.

This season, New York won the Eastern powerhouse Milwaukee Bucks by 20 points and the Boston Celtics by 30 points, the first time in more than two years that New York beat both teams since November and December 2018.

NBA fans are paying keen attention to whether Tivo will be able to overcome another “harsh controversy” and get a team report card that is immediately followed.

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