JENNIE’s singing ability was this good Choi Ilgu was also impressed

JENNIE’s singing ability was this good Choi Ilgu was also impressed


Jenny, the vocalist of fusion music band Granada, who brought “Gukpop” as a weapon, will challenge to win two wins in “Survival Hard Singer,” a corner of tbs FM’s “Choi Il-gu’s Hurricane Radio.”

Granada’s agency Cremate Media said, “Granada’s vocalist Jennie challenged Tbs FM’s Hurricane Radio corner, ‘Survival Hard Singer,’ and beat talented singer Navid to win one game.” Jenny will appear on “Survival Hard Singer” again on the 10th, aiming for two wins, and even surpassing the throne.

Jenny, who appeared nervous in the studio of “Choi Il-gu’s Hurricane Radio” last week, reinterpreted famous songs such as Kim Yeon-ja’s “Amor Fati” and Lee Sun-hee’s “Beautiful Riverside” with charming vocals. He beat Navid, who has been on “Tough Singer” for six weeks

DJ Choi Il-gu was amazed by Jenny’s voice, and listeners responded, “Why did I just know Jenny?” and “Was Amor Party such a sad song?” Ye-seul and Dayoung, who are in charge of Gayageum and Haegeum in Granada, went to the studio to cheer for Jenny and boasted a special friendship.

Granada (Vocal Seo Jenny, Gayageum Park Ye-seul, Haegeum Lee Da-young, Daegeum Lim Jae-hee, Daegeum Kim Tae-kyung) is a new fusion Korean traditional music band that released its debut album “Aro Engraving” on April 22, and was produced by Benny, a musician from an imaginary band. It is receiving a good response from listeners with the genre of “guk-pop” that mixes Korean traditional music and pop.

Jenny once again appeared on TBS FM’s Hurricane Radio, which will air from 3 p.m. on Friday, 10th, to win two games and seek the title of “Tough Singer.”

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