
Real is finally moving to set aside 93.2 billion won for Son Heung-min

Real is finally moving to set aside 93.2 billion won for Son Heung-min.


Real Madrid is in the process of recruiting Son Heung-min (Tottenham Hotspur) one by one. First of all, the company has set aside 70 million euros (about 93.2 billion won) as a transfer fee for Son Heung-min.

According to Spain’s Don Balon on the 3rd, Real is paying attention to Son Heung-min for 70 million euros. “Transfer Markt” rated Son Heung-min as a player worth 90 million euros (about 112 billion won). However, Real is trying to watch Son Heung-min and Tottenham move by setting a transfer fee of 20 million euros (about 26.6 billion won).

Son Heung-min’s transfer to Real was triggered by a Turkish soccer reporter Ekrem Konur’s tweet on the 1st, saying, “Son Heung-min is drawing Real’s attention. After Konugiza’s tweet was posted, European media have been continuing its follow-up reports, citing it 토토사이트

The biggest reason for Real’s interest in Son Heung-min is the sluggishness of Eden Hazard. Real bought Azar at a transfer fee of 120 million euros to fill the gap when Cristiano Ronaldo (Eventus) left in 2019. However, Azar failed to show up properly, having suffered eight injuries since his transfer to Real. So far, Azar has only scored three goals in 30 matches while spending one and a half seasons with Real.

For Real, he brought Azar as a side attack resource to fill Ronaldo’s vacancy, but he only lost money. Obtaining a solid side resource is essential for the next few years. For Real, Son Heung-min, who ranks second in scoring with 12 goals in the Premier League this season, has emerged as a clear alternative.

Tottenham, however, will never be able to do so. Tottenham must keep Son Heung-min in order to challenge for the championship over the next few years. That’s why he is also trying to offer Son a weekly salary of fi200,000, the highest treatment in the team.

So Real seems to be trying to confirm Tottenham’s mood by first setting a transfer fee of fi70 million.

However, Real is a team that would like to play if it were a player. “Tottenham doesn’t want to lose Son Heung-min,” said Britain’s Kurt Offside. But in general, players don’t reject Real’s offer,” he said, predicting that Son’s heart will be shaken when the official offer is made.

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