
Unfortunately, the F-word is officially apologized by American golfer

Unfortunately, the F-word is officially apologized by American golfer Justin Thomas.


U.S. golfer Justin Thomas, 28, bowed his head because of his habit of swearing. The problem was the most controversial abuse (fa***) among common American curses, which meant to disparage homosexuals.

NBC News reported on the 10th (local time) that Thomas, who participated in the PGA Century Champions Tournament in Kapalua, Hawaii, apologized for the muttering swearing after missing a putt. Thomas, the previous year’s winner, muttered abusive language to himself after missing a putt, drawing criticism as the voice was captured in the broadcasting microphone.

Thomas, who only confirmed that his swearing was broadcast shortly after the match, said, “It’s impossible to explain. First of all, I apologize. It’s terrible, and it’s really embarrassing. I shouldn’t have said it to anyone, whoever I am,” he said with his head dropped his head 토토사이트

The PGA Tour Secretariat has not yet expressed its position on the official punishment, but it is estimated that a fine will be imposed.

This is not the first time that homophobic expressions have been controversial. Last year, Scott Piercy, the four-time PGA Tour winner, posted a meme containing homophobia on his SNS, and five sponsor companies were humiliated.

“I didn’t mean to attack anyone,” said Piercy. We apologize to those who were hurt by this. Thomas also posted an apology in a similar vein. Thomas said, “There is no excuse, and I learned a lot from this incident. “I will do better and become a better human being.”

On the other hand, Internet users say, “Choose the strangest word to choose from when you miss putting.” “Usually, don’t you use sh**, fu**?” “Why didn’t you use a different f?” “You’re just talking to yourself.” Everyone said, “Relax.”

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