
I wouldn’t sign a contract because I’m mad at Boras is angry

I wouldn’t sign a contract because I’m mad at Boras is angry


Outfielder Juan Soto (24), who is considered the most talented hitter in the Major League, refused to sign a 15-year, $440 million extension contract with the Washington Nationals. He did not accept the best treatment ever beyond outfielder Mike Trout, who signed an extension contract with the Los Angeles Angels for 12 years and $426.5 million in March 2019.

The U.S. “New York Post” reported on the 18th (Korea Standard Time) that it was very disappointed that Soto rejected the offer in Washington, reporting the difference between the two sides regarding Soto’s refusal to extend the contract. Soto also said, “I was angry that I only made the best treatment stand out without receiving a proper salary.”

According to the report, Soto’s agent Scott Boras suggested Max Scherzer’s annual salary of $43.3 million. Scherzer, who is considered the best pitcher in the game, signed a three-year, $130 million FA contract with the Mets in November last year. Washington chief Mike Rizzo also responded positively, but as a result, he offered $29.3 million annually, 14 million less than Scherzer’s annual salary. It is ranked 20th in terms of overall Major League Baseball. The average annual amount for the first nine years of the contract is $26.8 million, less than that.

Boras signed a 10-year, $252 million contract extension for Texas Rangers with big gun shortstop Alex Rodriguez in December 2000. He earned an annual salary of 40 percent more than the $15 million salary of pitcher Kevin Brown, who was the highest-paid player at the time.

For Boras, who has Rodriguez and Soto on the same line 22 years ago and expects a total contract of more than $500 million, Washington’s proposal is bound to be unpleasant. Not only Boras but also executives of other clubs expressed the same opinion. According to the New York Post, a club executive said, “It’s a bad contract for Soto. It is less than 29 million dollars per year because it is a backroad (a structure where annual salary increases as time goes by). It’s close to $27 million. It’s a typical Washington contract. Even if I’m Soto, I won’t sign a contract.”

The Washington club claimed that it was gradually rising from $26 million to $28 million, $30 million, and $40 million, not a backroad contract, but worth $440 million. Some predict that Washington will make a final offer to Soto, but rumors of trade surrounding him have continued 안전공원

Soto is quietly focusing on the game, although it is a chaotic situation in many ways. He hit his 20th home run of the season with a wedge solo shot that led to his team’s victory in the eighth inning against the Atlanta Braves. He batted .2578 with 20 home runs, 43 RBIs, 79 walks and 54 strikeouts in 91 games.405 slugging percentage.497 OPS.The first half ended with 902.

After the game, Soto said, “My job is to play baseball as hard as I can every day. “I’ll do my best,” he said. “I don’t care if I stay in Washington. I want to be here. The decision is made by the club.

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