
Jung Jin-woon♥ Accounting Late Night Drive Date? The moon is crazy

Jung Jin-woon♥ Accounting Late Night Drive Date? The moon is crazy.


Accounting fell into a romantic mood on the moonlit.

Gyeong-ri posted a video of her driving on the road on her Instagram story on the 6th. In the video, he was struck with emotion by running on a street with a bright light.

Especially, it looks like a half moon. “The moon is crazy. It looks like a pickled radish,” he added, showing off his extraordinary expression.

Gyeong-ri, who debuted in 2012 as a girl group Nine Muses, has been dating Jung Jin-woon since 2017, who debuted as a group 2AM in 2010. Even when Jung Jin-woon joined the army, Gyeong-ri continues her pretty love while waiting silently.

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