KEVINO and KONG HYOJIN are manly The class inside the house

KEVINO and KONG HYOJIN are manly The class inside the house


Kevin O revealed the inside of the house.

On the 2nd, Kevin Oh drew attention by releasing a picture of the inside of the house on his Instagram.

“Zammm good morning,” Kevin O wrote. The released photo is a photo of Kevin O’s house, which drew attention as it was filled with various musical equipment, including a kita, a microphone, and a keyboard. In particular, the light came through the window and the interior was perfect, making viewers admire the picture inside the house.

Meanwhile, Kevin Oh was born in the United States and was the winner of Mnet’s “Superstar K” season 7 in 2015, ranking fifth on JTBC’s “Super Band in 2019. Recently, Kevin Oh made headlines by announcing his public relationship with actor Gong Hyo-jin, who is 10 years older

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