Kim Yuna

Kim Yuna I want to walk slowly Figure skating queen

Kim Yuna I want to walk slowly

Kim Yuna

Figure skating queen Kim Yu-na announced her recent status through a pictorial.

The magazine Cosmopolitan released Kim Yu-na’s pictorial and interview on Monday. “As soon as I entered the garden full of flowers on the set, I felt happy and clear in my head,” said Kim Yu-na, who created a refreshing atmosphere in a field full of flowers. “I feel happy because I teleported to a flower field composed of thousands of flowers.”

In an interview more than a decade ago, Kim Yu-na asked, “What do you want to do if you have a week of free time?” and asked, “I hope you stay away from exercising.” I want to live by watching how ordinary people live their lives. In response, Kim Yu-na said, “As I have been playing since I was young, I think I answered like that because I was curious about what people in other fields would think about.” But now that I’m an adult, everything seems similar. “If I have a week of free time now, I want to have a cup of coffee in a quiet, airy place and walk slowly with beautiful things in my eyes.”

Kim Yu-na currently goes to the rink two to three days a week to teach junior players. Recently, he donated $100,000 to an international relief organization to help developing countries supply the coronavirus vaccine. “I made a donation in the hope that it would help children who are growing up in a difficult environment in the coronavirus situation,” Kim Yu-na said.

Meanwhile, a detailed interview with Kim Yu-na can be found in the September issue of Cosmopolitan.

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