
Korean-American Ki Eun-se 12 years older looks like a nine year

Korean-American Ki Eun-se 12 years older looks like a nine year old housewife


Actress Ki Eun-se showed off her excellent cooking skills.

Ki Eun-se posted a photo of her cooking on her SNS with the words “Meatball Egg Noodles made yesterday and burrata salad to solve the withering lukola.”

In the picture, Ki Eun-se showed off her innocent appearance with long hair, while her high-quality cooking skills caught the eye by transferring pasta from a large frying pan to a plate 부산출장마사지

Internet users left responses such as “Baby Face is a nine-tier housewife,” “There’s nothing I can’t do,” “It looks delicious,” and “Best Wife.”

Ki Eun-se married a Korean-American businessman 12 years older in 2012.

He recently appeared in the SBS Monday-Tuesday drama “Racket Boys” and confirmed his appearance in the SBS new drama “Now, We’re Breaking Up.”

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