
Scaling and gum surgery I’m a woman in my mid

Scaling and gum surgery (peritoneal sofa, peritoneal valve, peritoneal bone transplant)


Q: I’m a woman in my mid-thirties. I went to the dentist a few days ago and he said I need to get scaling and gum surgery. My teeth are said to be in my mid-50s. So I just did the scaling and made a reservation for gum surgery. It needs to be carried out 4 times every 2 weeks.

What is the difference between gum surgery and gum treatment?

Does the surgery remove the gums, scratch the scraps, and re-suture them? Wouldn’t it hurt a lot?

A: Gum surgery is one of the treatments for gum. All methods of treating periodontitis, gingivitis and periodontia are called gum treatments (scaling, periodontomy, gingivascular surgery, gum bone transplant, etc.).

Sometimes you see young patients with very bad gum bone condition. At this time, the plaque will be removed first through scaling and then periodontal tissue will be inflamed and conditioned for periodontal tissue, and the periodontal valve surgery will be performed.

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