
I can’t chew food that’s shaking my molars

I can’t chew food that’s shaking my molars


Q: I’m a woman in my late 20s. I removed my teeth with gold after removing amalgam 6 months ago. The left side is rotten badly, so I cut a lot. Two left, two right, and four upper teeth were removed with gold and two lower teeth were resins.

They told me not to eat hard food as much as possible. A month ago, I went to the dentist because my left molar hurt, and I got pus (eight months ago, I had my left and right wisdom teeth removed). There was an inflammation on the left side.)

I got treatment for inflammation, but it still hurts a lot. I can’t chew the food.

I went to the hospital again and got gum treatment. Currently, I’m chewing only on the right side due to molars shaking and pain. I want to eat meat, but it’s painful because I can’t.

My doctor told me at first that I should get an implant, but he didn’t tell me in detail.

I have a lot of questions. How can I treat it better?

A: Both upper and lower teeth are stimulated by the tertiary nerve. So, if you have a problem with your teeth, it is often difficult to find the exact cause by X-ray or other tests 비아그라판매

Teeth pain or molars shaking can be caused by chronic gum inflammation or inflammation of the internal root canal of the tooth. Also, there are minor cracks in the teeth that cause toothache.

After visiting the hospital where you have been treated once again, you need to try to find the exact cause through various tests.

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