MONSTA X Kihyun, there is no excuse for immature behavior

MONSTA X Kihyun, there is no excuse for immature behavior.


MONSTA X Ki-hyun, who was embroiled in allegations of school violence, expressed his position in person.

“I’ve been reflecting on what kind of student I was when I was in school for a few days,” Ki-hyun said on the official fan cafe of Monsta X on the 26th. “When I look back on myself, I wasn’t a student who was faithful to my studies and I did something I shouldn’t have done as a student.”

“I’ve been guilty of that part since I became an adult, and there’s no excuse for the bitterness you’re talking about right now,” he said. “I’m so sorry for causing you disappointment and I’ll continue to reflect on myself.” “If there are people who have been hurt by my immature attitude or behavior during my school days, I would like to sincerely apologize even now,” he apologized.

Next is Kihyun’s full text.

This is Kihyun.

First of all, I apologize for making you worry about this incident.

I’ve been reflecting on what kind of student I was in school for a few days.

I think I recalled my memory more meticulously because I thought that my appearance could remain different from someone else’s. It was a time when I suspected myself hundreds and thousands of times just in case there was something I didn’t remember after a long time.

I think I was a student who liked to sing and hang out with friends when I was in middle school. Especially, when I was in the third grade of middle school, I remember gathering in the auditorium to sing your wedding song and practicing happily with all of my classmates. I remember spending a lot of time with my classmates while spending time with them and playing with them even during breaks.

Of course, looking back on myself, I wasn’t a student faithful to my studies, and I did what I shouldn’t have done as a student. I have been guilty of that part since I became an adult, and there is no other excuse for the bitterness you are talking about.

I’m so sorry to disappoint you about this and I’ll continue to reflect on myself.

If anyone has been hurt by my immature attitude or behavior during my school days, I would like to sincerely apologize even now. I’m sorry and sorry for making you worry about bad situations.

I can’t change my previous appearance, so I’ll use this as an opportunity to reflect on myself and recap.

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