Park Yu-sun

Park Yu-sun and Woo-Lee Ha-neul’s sudden appearance on the show, 17

Park Yu-sun and Woo-Lee Ha-neul’s sudden appearance on the show, 17 years of age difference, 11 years of relationship bare face revealed.

Park Yu-sun

“New Divorce couple is coming in their 10th month!”

“DJ DOC” singer Lee Ha-neul will suddenly join the TV CHOSUN real-time drama “We Divorced” as the 4th couple.

TV CHOSUN’s real-time drama “We Divorced (hereinafter referred to as Woo’s Divorce)” is an unconventional subject of reunion and short travel of divorced couples, creating a sense of immersion and amazing ripple effect that makes them sweat every time. The three couples’ screenless real stories, Lee Young-ha, Sunwoo Eun-sook, Choi Sang-ki, Yuche Leaf, Park Jae-hoon and Park Hye-young, continue to be popular, stimulating viewers’ true empathy buttons.

In this regard, in the 6th episode of “U-Immortal” on the 25th, Lee Ha-neul and Park Yoo-sun will appear as the new “No.4 Couple,” drawing attention. Lee Ha-neul, who debuted in 1994 as DJ DOC, a three-member male group, and has been active in broadcasting with her unique mischievous image, including “Run to You,” “Murphy’s Law,” “Summer Story,” “Dancing with DOC,” and “I am this kind of person,” drew attention before her wedding news in 2018.

In particular, Lee Ha-neul and Park Yoo-sun showed off their unwavering affection for 11 years despite their age difference of 17. At that time, Lee Ha-neul showed off her loveliness by calling her girlfriend the nickname “Mogwa” and showing off her unusual affection, which made everyone jealous.

But in February 2020, Lee Ha-neul was shocked to hear the news of her divorce. The divorce of Lee Ha-neul, who ended a short one-year and four-month marriage unlike 11 years of dating and cohabitation, has caused public grief, and questions about the unknown reason for her divorce and the relationship between the two have intensified story

Furthermore, despite the fact that many couples were casted in many entertainment programs at the time of their marriage, they never appeared. Ironically, the fact that the first appearance of the two on an entertainment show together is “Woo-Lee-hon” raises keen attention.

In addition, Lee Ha-neul’s ex-wife Park Yoo-sun is the first to appear on the show in earnest except for the release of the photo, so more attention is being paid to the appearance of the two to be revealed in “U-I-Hon.”

The production team said, “Lee Ha-neul and Park Yoo-sun’s story, which have never been revealed on the show, will surprise viewers. Just as there are no divorced couples without stories, I hope the Lee Ha-neul-Park couple will also keep a warm eye on those who were forced to divorce despite their 17-year-old age difference.”

Meanwhile, ‘We Got Divorced’ airs every Friday at 10 p.m.

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