Seo Jung-hee

Seo Jung-hee, 59 years old, is a celebrity who is not pretty

Seo Jung-hee, 59 years old, is a celebrity who is not pretty with no makeup on.

Seo Jung-hee

Broadcaster Seo Jung-hee boasted her dazzling bare face.

Seo Jung-hee posted a message and a photo on her Instagram on the 31st saying, “Good morning. I’m going to rest well today.”

The photo shows Seo Jung-hee in her pajamas just woke up. Seo Jung-hee, who dropped her disheveled hair, has no makeup at all.

Seo Jung-hee put on the tag of ‘no makeup’ to announce that she is in perfect condition without any makeup. However, she boasts her skin condition as a celebrity who is not pretty with makeup.

Meanwhile, Seo Jung-hee recently made headlines by appearing on KBS2’s ‘Let’s Live Together with Park Won-sook.’

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