
Valverde police accused of wielding a fist after getting

Valverde police accused of wielding a fist after getting angry at Lee Kang-in


Federico Valverde (Real Madrid), who has been embroiled in controversy over his assault, has been accused by police.

Valverde was known to have assaulted his opponent after the 28th round of the Spanish Primera Liga in the 2022-23 season against Villarreal on the 9th.

Valverde waited for Alex Baena in front of Villarreal’s bus after the match and punched him. Villarreal chose to file a police complaint when it said it had Valverde’s price video.

A day after the incident, Villarreal said on the club’s website, “Baena was assaulted after the match against Real Madrid yesterday. The victim has decided to report the perpetrator to the police, he said. “Villarreal refuses to commit any acts of violence and will actively support Baena.”

The truth battle is expected to take place hotly. Valverde explained that Baena had insulted her family for a long time. During Valverde’s recent miscarriage risk, Baena claimed to have said, “Your child will not be born.”

However, Baena also denied to his social networking service that “what I said was completely false.” Due to Baena, who refuted Valverde’s claim and even filed a complaint, both the start of the dispute and the circumstances are expected to be clearly revealed through a police investigation 토토

Valverde, on the other hand, is a player who often fought a war of nerves against Lee Kang-in (Mayorca), a rising star in Korean football. Whenever he met Lee Kang-in through the Primera Liga and the national team matches, he did not hesitate to tackle Lee Kang-in, which caused a big controversy, leaving a negative impression on domestic soccer fans

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