
You want me to release photos of Chris’ life in prison on sexual

You want me to release photos of Chris’ life in prison on sexual assault charges? I shave my head and I’m lethargic.


Chris’ life in detention center, arrested on charges of sexual assault, has been revealed to the media.

On the 2nd, a Chinese entertainment media outlet said, “A photo of our latest detention center? He shaved his head and looked lethargic,’ he reported.

In the photo released, men lie straight in a small room with shoes lying dizzy, with a blue T-shirt, black hair and shaved head. The photo appears to have been taken with a camera on a high window. The man in the red circle is believed to be Chris.

Chris is currently in custody at Chaoyang Detention Center, and “he wakes up at 7 a.m. every morning, sleeps at 10 p.m., and he can only live outside from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and rest time is only an hour,” the media said.

The Chris scandal began on the 8th of last month with an interview with A, who claimed he was his ex-girlfriend. A revealed that more than eight people suffered from Chris, including two minors, and that Reese had sex promising to support the entertainment industry.

Chris denied A’s claim and accused A of blackmail, saying he was rather threatened. However, it turned out that it was a man named Ryu who threatened Chris.

“Weibo investigated the circumstances of Chris and arrested him on charges of rape,” the official security authorities in Chaoyang-gu, Beijing, said on Weibo on the 31st of last month. We are also conducting additional investigations. Arresting Chris after judging the charges to be true.

Attention is also focusing on the punishment Chris will receive. If China commits a crime in Korea, it can be punished by Chinese law. China can sentence up to three years and up to 10 years in prison in cases of sexual assault, and up to death in cases of sexual assault by minors. Therefore, Chris, who has Canadian nationality, is also unlikely to be able to avoid severe punishment.

Attention is focusing on what kind of punishment Chris will face in China, with the response that even celebrities should be punished strictly in accordance with regulations without exception good life

Meanwhile, Chris made his debut as EXO in 2012. However, in 2014, he filed a lawsuit against SM to nullify his exclusive contract and left Korea. However, in 2016, the court decided to make a reconciliation recommendation and will maintain the contract with SM Entertainment until 2022.

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