
Calf scar pigmentation pigmentation laser treatment

Calf scar pigmentation pigmentation laser treatment


Q: A woman in her mid-20s. There are large scars on both calves. It’s not because I got hurt.

Maybe because of dry skin, my calves were itchy. I kept scratching, bleeding, and when the scar healed, I scratched it again. Eventually, the scar grew as big as the palm of my hand 정품비아그라

It’s been about a year, and the area is dark, so even if you wear skin colored stockings, it looks like a dark bruise. Is it possible to get a scarring like this?

A: Rather than scarring, I suspect pigmentation is caused by long-term irritation. If that’s the case, I’d rather be able to relieve it with pigmented laser therapy or palliative cream than surgery. Visit a plastic surgery clinic nearby for counseling.

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