
Celebrities who have been losing their status since Kim Sang-hyuk’s

Celebrities who have been losing their status since Kim Sang-hyuk’s divorce? Hey, I’m rich. I’m the boss.


Kim Sang-hyuk, a former member of the group Click-B, said that he is not a “falling celebrity.”

Kim Sang-hyuk posted on his SNS on the 4th, “I don’t know what the PDs are going to do with me. ‘Um-Um-Wang’ has been uploaded. It’s a life of a fallen entertainer. Hey! I’m a business?Rich!!! I am the owner of a bakery, a cafe, and an arcade.

Referring to his stores such as Daebu-do, Oido, Eulwang-ri, and arcade, he added, “I’ll make all of this work.”

Meanwhile, Kim Sang-hyuk reported his divorce from Song Da-ye, the CEO of the shopping mall, a year after his marriage last year. Since then, the company has been operating coffee shops and arcades, and has been keeping up-to-date.

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