
Hyuna, lie down on the mat and pose like she’s not fat

Hyuna, lie down on the mat and pose like she’s not fat.


“Lost Blue” Hyun-ah revealed her tired appearance after the colorful stage, giving her a “sweet and salty”

He posted a photo on his Instagram on the 7th with a short message saying, “It’s hard.” In the photo, Hyun-ah was lying comfortably on a mat placed on the floor of a music broadcasting waiting room.

In particular, he drew attention by making a completely exhausted look, unlike his colorful stage outfits. He also proved that his body without any fat even though he was lying down is “lost.”

Netizens who encountered the photo responded enthusiastically, including “Everyone can tell she’s tired,” “Princess Hyun-ah without any fat,” “I think you’ll be so tired,” and “How can you be cute when you took it from that angle?” Meanwhile, Hyun-ah released her new song “I’m Not Cool” in January and has been active.

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