Lee Hyeyoung

Lee Hyeyoung who lives in a restaurant with a view

Lee Hyeyoung who lives in a restaurant with a view of the Han River likes my house the best in the world

Lee Hyeyoung

Actress Lee Hye-young boasted of her “Han River View” at home.

On the 29th, Lee Hye-young released a photo with the article, “No matter how much I think about it, my house is the best in the world.”

At Lee Hye-young’s house, you can enjoy an open view of the Han River beyond the window, and recently, she has been envious of the living room scenery that shows a high-quality interior sense.

Singer Lee Ji-hye, who saw the post, also said, “This is a house??” “May I stay for half a day?” he responded.

Meanwhile, Lee Hye-young hosted the MBN entertainment program “Dol Singles 4,” which is scheduled to air in the second half of this year

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