
LeSera Pim Heo Yoon-jin Velvet Training Set-up Look Beauty-holic

LeSera Pim Heo Yoon-jin Velvet Training Set-up Look Beauty-holic


Group Le Seraphim Heo Yoon-jin showed off her fairy beauty.

On the 7th, Heo Yoon-jin posted several photos on his Instagram, saying, “I will return next week too.”

In the released photo, Heo Yoonjin poses in various poses on the stairs

Heo Yoon-jin wore a velvet training jacket and short pants in a light purple cropped top with cubic decorations as a set, and matched it with lace see-through knee socks and Mary Jane shoes to complete a girlish look.

In particular, she caught the eye with her flawless beauty, slim figure, and dreamy atmosphere

Meanwhile, Le Seraphim, which includes Heo Yoon-jin, made a comeback after releasing its first full-length album “UNFORGIVEN” on the 1st

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