Park Sung-kwang

Park Sung-kwang said, “A smart person is ridiculed for making

Park Sung-kwang said, “A smart person is ridiculed for making a movie.” (Cinetown)

Park Sung-kwang

“Cinetown” Park Sung-kwang expressed his overwhelming feelings about releasing the feature film “Woongnami.”

SBS Power FM’s “Park Ha-sun’s Cinetown,” which aired on March 13, starred director Park Sung-kwang, who directed the movie “Woongnami.”

Park Sung-kwang said, “I have dreamed of becoming an actor since high school, so I went to the academy. I took the test with acting, but everyone failed, and after that, I thought I should become a person who shines someone, so I went into directing. He introduced that he entered broadcasting technology and directing and graduated from film directing.

Park Sung-kwang, who released his first production film ‘Year’ in 2011, said, “I made it with 5 million won. It was lacking a lot. He said, “I casted all the actors with acquaintances, and I appeared, and it was a work with a lot of comic elements.” He then expressed pride, saying, “It was exported a little overseas and received good reviews.”

In 2017, “Sad Not Sad” won three gold medals at the International Film Festival. Park Sungkwang smiled shyly, saying, “He also liked it a lot more than I thought.”

Park Ha-sun said, “I couldn’t even say that I was making a movie because I was afraid people would laugh at me.” He even said, “I heard that movies are done by smart people,” and was angry instead. Park Sung-kwang said, “That’s right. There were some people who heard that and said, “I know roughly the movie you make.” So I decided to work harder,” he nodded.

Meanwhile, “Woongnami” will be released on the 22nd as Woongnami’s left-and-right comedy that confronts international criminal organizations with its beastly ability that transcends humans.

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