Park Sungkwang

Park Sungkwang and Lee Sol are 41.9kg in the full outfit

Park Sungkwang and Lee Sol are 41.9kg in the full outfit of M brand, including their hips

Park Sungkwang

Comedian Park Sung-kwang’s wife Lee Sol (34) showed off her perfect figure.

On the 18th, Lee So-sol posted a picture on her Instagram with the message “Hot Ju.”

The released photo shows Lee Sol going out. Its shiny skin, high nose bridge, and large eyes are beautiful without blemishes. On top of that, Lee Sol showed off her elegant charm by wearing a white crop shirt from luxury company M and a long black sleeveless dress. In particular, the beautiful pelvic line, which is revealed as it is, catches the eye. Lee So-sol’s perfect body, who said she weighed 41.9kg last month, is impressive.

Meanwhile, Lee So-sol married Park Sung-kwang in 2020.

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