
Probability of Breast Cancer After Busting of Prosthesis

Probability of Breast Cancer After Busting of Prosthesis


In conclusion, breast augmentation with prostheses has nothing to do with breast cancer. However, in the past, among those who underwent surgery to expand the use of liquid silicon in the 1960s, 70s, 80s, there was a clock that increased the risk of breast cancer because the implant burned in the file grew to surrounding tissues. Of course, the baby’s prosthesis was used because of the symptoms of breast cancer that could occur, and was later used with saline solution.

Since the mid-2000s, we’ve been using COGEL SILICONE prostheses, so I can tell you that the COGEL prosthesis that we’re using now has nothing to do with breast cancer. The second question is that after breast augmentation surgery, there are a lot of people who come to see if there can be problems with the breast health examination even if there is a problem with money. In conclusion, there’s no problem with breast cancer screening even if you do prosthesis enlargement.

Mammography 30 It’s a tight, up-and-down test on the chest, but in the past, saline prostheses often burst into the prosthesis after X-rays. If you take a breast X-ray, the prosthesis doesn’t stand on strength. So even if you do breast implants enlargement surgery, you don’t have to go to any hospital for breast cancer screening later, but the third thing I gave you today was that breast cancer was diagnosed after breast implants enlargement surgery. So what should I do about the treatment? I’ll talk about that.

If the breast cancer screening finds meat in the mammary gland, we’ll do a biopsy. There are three ways to do a biopsy: first, a full biopsy, second, an ablation biopsy, and third, a biopsy using mammoth. If breast cancer is confirmed through a biopsy, you have to think about how to treat the prosthesis later. The first is radiation therapy. If you need additional radiation after breast cancer surgery, it is recommended that you remove the prosthesis in advance when performing breast cancer surgery.

Because if you do radiation therapy after breast cancer surgery, there’s a possibility that the prosthesis will explode on its own, either by re-developing the spherical method around the dose, or by itself. Second, if you’re going to have a mastectomy, you can replace the prosthesis with a larger size, whether it’s simultaneously or cold.

You can do breast cancer surgery, or you can do breast cancer surgery first and then replace the prosthesis with a larger size later. Third, breast cancer has progressed a lot, so there are cases where the breast is subject to total resection and radiation therapy. In this case, I do it 3 or 5 years after the end of a lot. The abdominal muscles can be reconstructed for the upper and lower abdominal tissue or for the dorsal tissue.

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