
Thyroid eye protrusion When your eyes hurt your head hurts

Thyroid eye protrusion When your eyes hurt your head hurts


Q: I’m a woman in my late 40s. During the 2002 World Cup, I am still taking medicine for hyperthyroidism. I searched a lot after I found out about anti-diagnosis, and I heard that some of the thyroid eye protrusions occur. That’s why my eyes popped out, and the doctor at the hospital in my neighborhood said it’s the first time hearing that my eyes are protruding because of dysfunction. Sometimes my eyes hurt and my head hurts. My eyes hurt after wearing contact lenses. I wonder if it’s relevant.

A: Patients with ocular protrusions have the most abnormal thyroid function. Among them, hyperthyroidism accounts for 60%. Get ophthalmology, including radiography (CT). Dry eye syndrome can become worse due to protruding eyeballs. Wearing lenses in the event of dryness makes the condition worse.

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