Bradley Cooper

Bradley Cooper, another date with your ex-wife…

Bradley Cooper, another date with your ex-wife…

Bradley Cooper

Actress Bradley Cooper and model and actress Irina Shark attend a party together, drawing attention. A divorced ex-wife enjoying the party is also drawing keen attention in Hollywood, the U.S.

Bradley Cooper and Irina Shark spent time together at a fashion brand’s party on the 31st of last month (local time), according to local media on the 3rd (Korea time).

But spokesmen on both sides are reticent about their natural relationship.

On this day, Shark drew attention by matching high socks with sleeveless cropped knitwear & shorts. showing off one’s fashion sense as a model Cooper, on the other hand, wore a black shirt and a dark blue jacket.

The two previously formed a relationship in the spring of 2015 and split up in 2019, four years after they got married. Between them is their daughter, Leah de Sen Sheikh Cooper. The two are co-parenting their daughter.

Perhaps that’s why Bradley Cooper and Irina Shark enjoyed a date with their arms folded in 2020, after their divorce, and posted red heart emoticons by posting photos of them hanging out together at the resort.

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