
Eating’this’ shows the effect of losing 500g per week

If you set your weight loss target too high, it’s easy to give up because it’s too heavy. As it is off-season for dieting, do not be impatient and set your target to a level that is practicable.

Then, it will be easier to practice dieting and gain confidence as the frequency of keeping promises with oneself increases. You can praise and encourage yourself and increase your chances of success on a diet more smoothly.

In this regard, weight loss can be seen as a success even if it is steadily reduced by two to three kilograms per month. To lose this much weight a month, you only need to lose about 500 grams per week.

According to a recent study, eating 28 grams of dietary fiber every day has the effect of losing weight due to healthy eating habits.

It seems simple, but people who have a habit of eating with simple meals are more likely to not be able to supplement these nutrients enough nutrients.

Fortunately, compared to Western countries, which have a large number of obese people, Korea consumes relatively more dietary fiber. The recommended daily intake of dietary fiber is around 25 grams. According to a paper published in the Journal of the Korean Nutrition Society, Koreans consume 26.1 grams of dietary fiber for men and 22.8 grams for women in terms of adult consumption, exceeding the recommended amount for men.

Compared to eating 18.4 grams of adult men and 15.5 grams of women in the U.S., Korea is in a very good condition. 안전놀이터

However, people who gain weight due to poor eating habits should try to control their dietary fiber intake. Increasing dietary fiber intake reduces hunger, reduces unnecessary calorie intake, and ultimately helps control weight.

According to a paper published in the International Journal of ISRN Obesity, participants conducted four weeks of experiments on dietary fiber to meet daily intake recommendations, and found weight loss effects.

Participants ate 1.5 cups of soybeans every day or filled their recommended intake with high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

As a result, participants lost about 500 grams of weight each week, resulting in weight loss of around 1.5 kilograms in four weeks.

It doesn’t seem like they’ve lost much weight, but it’s a good way to challenge those who fail or rather gain weight each time. In six months, it is not a small loss, as almost 10 kilograms are lost.

Increasing dietary fiber consumption requires a more planned strategy when planning a diet. When you eat salad, you can increase your dietary fiber intake by adding seeds and nuts, putting fruits on yogurt, or eating whole grain bread instead of white bread.

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